Why online is different to print

Duncan Stephen
Wednesday 29 October 2014

The key difference between online and print publishing

Gerry McGovern highlights why creating web content requires a totally different mindset to how we are used to creating for print.

…in a print world you rarely have to worry about old print content too much. Print degrades and disappears over time. That print brochure or factsheet you published in 2010, where is it now? Most print ends up in history’s dustbin.

Not so for digital. Like a good wine, digital content tends to get ‘better’ over time. Better in the sense that it ranks higher in search engine results, gets more links, etc. Unless older content is properly maintained it proliferates and strangles the usefulness of the website…

To many web professionals, the idea that they can focus on continuously improving the top tasks of their customers is an unattainable dream. Their work lives are ruled by a voracious organization in constant need to show it exists, show it is relevant, show it is doing something. It is A Cult of Volume: the more I publish the more important I am.

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