New global contact page

Lewis Wake
Tuesday 31 July 2018

On Tuesday 31 July 2018, the digital communications team launched a new general contact page in our updated style to assure future accessibility for users. This post looks at some of the changes we’ve made.

What’s new?

The first thing you’ll notice if you’re a frequent user of the contact page is the updated design. It is now consistent with the rest of the external website and therefore will now display correctly on mobile devices. Here’s what the old contact page looked like:

And here’s the updated page:

Essentially, the updated page is a slim-lined version of the previous. Redundant links have been removed and entire sections have been optimised for easier navigation. Some of the key features of the updated contact page include:

Staff search directory

All links to previously publicly accessible staff contact details have now been removed. It was very easy for a member of the public to find phone numbers and email addresses of staff members. This is a potential privacy issue. A single call to action link to the updated staff directory, that is only accessible to staff and students, is now featured on the page.

Streamlined content

Pages that were dedicated to information regarding emergencies, complaints, security, and switchboard information are no longer required. The key information is now featured on the main contact page.

Schools and units links

We have added navigation box links to the ‘academic schools and departments’ and ‘service units’ directory pages. This is an interim measure while the ‘Admin A to Z’ project is being carried out.

When the updated pages of the ‘Admin A to Z’ project are live, we are hoping to conduct usability testing that will include the features of the new contact page.

For nostalgia purposes, some of you may remember this chap’s face that used to be featured on the contact page way back when!

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