Search by author: Aaron Lott

Web developer at the University of St Andrews digital communications team. Aaron joined the team in September 2015 and has been working with mainly front-end development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and the DPL (Digital Pattern Library).

Aaron Lott
Aaron's leaving shot

I’ve set out on a new adventure

As I write this, I’ve been working remotely for the digital communications team for a little over a month now and will formally leave at the end of July. The reason being that my wife needed to move to Philadelphia for…

What our version numbers mean

By the end of March we will have reached a milestone: version 1.0.0 of the digital pattern library. As I write this, we are currently on version 0.22.0. But what exactly do those version numbers mean? Semantic…

What we learned about T4 programmable layouts

See our post on programmable layouts for a more technical look at programmable layouts, but stick around if you’d like more of a high-level overview of what these programmable layouts are, what they do and why we’re…

TerminalFour programmable layouts

TerminalFour programmable layouts The following article assumes you are an existing power user or administrator of T4 and have access to their community extranet site. It gives an overview of what programmable layouts…

Browser wars 2016

We are presented with a plethora of options when it comes to browsers and devices to access the web with, but which ones do the world at large use? Does this make a difference in how we design and build websites? This…

The digital pattern library is platform agnostic

At the University of St Andrews we have a digital framework called the digital pattern library (DPL), which is used to make the University digital presence consistent across the website. We primarily build in…

Sleep and technology

Technology can be good for our sleep and bad for our sleep, but how can it be both at the same time? How is technology bad for our sleep? WebMD explains why using phones before or in bed is bad: Our brains: “As your…