Search by tag: hero banner

Hero banner redesign

We have taken feedback into consideration and optimised the hero banner used for home pages. The current hero banner has been in effect since 2015 with minor adjustments to improve accessibility over time.

Choosing image backgrounds for hero banners

Selection criteria for images appropriate for hero banners can be quite complicated. There are plenty of stunning photographs that would work well to welcome positive first impressions of a website, but are they fit…

Where and when should you use a hero banner?

Hero banners are great. They are perfect for conveying the mission statement of your website through strong visuals and a large tagline. They’re almost like billboards in the digital era, but they are one step better…

Hero banners: Why are they so attractive?

What is a hero banner? You see that big, wide section at the top of most modern websites? That section with the large catchy slogan and button that is effectively tempting you to click it? That section with the fresh,…