Search by tag: planning

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What makes for a good set of requirements?

It’s no secret that I love a good set of requirements. Working from a solid set of requirements makes my life so much easier. They give clarity over what is needed, formally setting the scope of the work, and provide a…

Scheduling social media posts

Graduation week is always one of the busiest and most important times of the year for the digital communications team and our colleagues across Corporate Communications. Both the University website and the social media…

Four Post-it note pads with Must, Should, Could and Won't written on them.

MoSCoW planning poker

Backlog refinement One agile practice that we’ve adopted from Scrum is that of product backlog refinement. In short, it involves representatives from both the project level team (project manager, business visionary,…

Velocity and why it’s important

Velocity is an important tool in Agile. Let me explain a little about what it is and why we find it useful. Speed = distance over time One of the challenges when planning each two weeks’ sprint is working out how much…

Planning poker—why and how we estimate

When creating a plan—whether it be a big project release plan or a smaller two-weeks’ timebox plan—you essentially need to know three things: Tasks —What are the requirements? What do you need to do? Size — How big are…

Agile release planning with multiple projects

One of the biggest challenges we faced when we started down the Agile path was how to accommodate working on multiple projects concurrently. This is a little insight into how we are currently managing ourselves across…

Those conversations

I drew you a picture. To help *those* conversations. — Andy Whitlock (@andywhitlock) October 21, 2014 This image has felt very apt as we attempt to plan all the work that needs to be done on…

Our journey into Agile, pt.1

In November of last year (2009 if you don’t have a calendar to hand) we started to seriously look into using Agile methodologies to better manage and run our Web projects. The crunch came when we realised that in many…