Search results for: user needs

Transparency in data and user needs

Info pages: publishing data about user needs and metrics now publishes data about the usage of almost every page on their website. These pages include stats on pageviews and search terms used. But they also show…

web devlopment

Site performance and its impact on user experience

“Developers have a greater impact on user experience than designers do”, Paul Boag claims in his Why performance is the best way to improve the user experience article, and that “non-visual elements on a webpage can…

Featured image for low vision blog post

Designing for users with low vision

In a fact sheet on vision impairment and blindness, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 1.3 billion people live with some form of vision impairment.

Screen reader featured image

Designing for users of screen readers

A screen reader is a software application that enables people with visual impairments to use a computer or mobile device. Users of screen readers can benefit from accessible web-based services. This guidance is for web…