779 articles found

What motivates us?

I find this a really inspiring video. I wonder how this might influence us as a web team.

Grid—a simple guide to responsive web design

It feels like the web is evolving at a frightening rate these days, and while we’re being encouraged to design for mobile first even the technical specifications (particularly HTML5, and CSS3) haven’t settled down yet…

Accessibility for all

What are we doing about accessibility? An interesting audio interview and transcript about how the Government Digital Service is improving accessibility. This serves as a reminder of how important accessibility is, and…

Study at St Andrews progress report: 12 February

A quick update from Carley today! Content updates Duncan has been working hard on content tweaks and updates across the site. It feels like we’re getting closer to something which we’re happy launching with, which is…

Eliminate happy talk

On the web, context kills, speed saves Here is an article from Gerry McGovern about one of my pet peeves, happy talk. Web users are highly task driven, and they are not interested in our content attempting to set a…

Designing university websites

University websites: top 10 design guidelines This study from Nielsen Norman Group assesses higher education websites in four countries including the UK. This is very relevant to us, and I would encourage anyone…

Study at St Andrews progress report: 7 February

Content migration — postgraduate scholarships I have been continuing to migrate postgraduate scholarships into the new website. A few issues have emerged, which we will hope to sort out in the next couple of weeks. We…

New framework for responsive HTML emails

Ink is a fairly new framework from Zurb, who brought us the Foundation CSS framework, for creating responsive HTML emails. It’s been a while since I’ve been asked to help put together an HTML email but as news of this…