779 articles found

Why less is more

User expertise stagnates at low levels When users learn how to use a website, they are doing just that – learning how to use it. This is why consistency is so important. Terminology, navigation menus and the general…

jQuery cycle plugin

Where would we be without jQuery, the JavaScript library that speeds up development no end? I’ve recently been using the Bootstrap 2.3.2 CSS framework within our content management system, TerminalFour Site Manager and…

Keyword data, dangerous navigation, and cards

Lost for words: Google stops providing keywords A couple of weeks ago, I covered the news that Google Search was no longer passing on keyword data to analytics tools. This blog post from the Government Digital Service…

Trello now has a calendar view

It’s no secret that we are big fans of Trello here. A fabulous feature they added in August—which may make the tool more useful to some people—is the addition of a calendar view. For as long as I can remember, Trello…

The importance of content

Three interesting articles about content that I have come across recently. The importance of copywriting for UX Interesting examples of poor copywriting, and why it is important to write in plain language. Respect your…

Review of CMS promotional pens

In keeping with my 2008 review of browser umbrellas, it seems about time I reviewed something else. So how about enterprise web content management system (CMS) promotional pens? As these pens were freebies from three…