779 articles found

New Accommodation website

Another major website I worked on over the summer was the new Accommodation website, which went live in October. I think it is quite a distinctive and bright looking website. This is largely due to the excellent use of…

New Museums and Collections website

I say “new”, but the Museums and Collections website actually launched a good few months ago now. But I have been so busy over the summer that I haven’t got round to writing about it, until now. I recall that the very…

Moving our team task board online to Trello

For the last few years the Web team have been using, and adapting, a form of Agile/Kanban board to manage what tasks need to be done and by whom. It has served us very well, but this week we moved it online to Trello,…

Using XAMPP web server

As we all (should) know testing out software on live environments isn’t particularly sensible. For the last five years in the office, and longer at home, I’ve been running XAMPP from Apache Friends as a test server on…

Keeping a collection of screenshots for inspiration

Back in late 2008 I read an interview with a Web designer who advocated keeping a scrapbook of cool designs that you’ve seen so that when the time came for Needing Inspiration™ you already had a volume of stuff to look…

An unfamiliar view of St Andrews

A few weeks ago I spotted this photo called, simply, “St Andrews” on the Our Scotland website; it was taken by Chris Cuthbert. What I love about it is that it’s not a familiar view of St Andrews. I had to think for a…

This week I are been mostly…

Above: Our current list of outstanding support calls. In the style of The Fast Show: this week I are been mostly… answering support calls. Many people suspect that the Web team summers are quiet affairs, with plenty of…

600th anniversary and alumni websites

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks on the Web team blogging front. Which is the complete opposite of what it’s been like within the Web team: blinkered, and with heads down we’ve been racing to complete the 600th…