Temporary website for EuCOMC XX – the 20th EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry

Gareth Saunders
Monday 12 March 2012


A couple of weeks ago we had a visit from someone from our Conference and Group Services (CGS) unit asking for a small website to be created quickly. It was for the intriguingly-entitled EuCOMC XX, or the 20th EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, being held next year in St Andrews.

All they needed was a single page which pulled together the information contained in their PDF brochure. It was to be a temporary website, a stop-gap until CGS take delivery of a Web application that will provide them with a simplified, point-and-click Web-building module on top of a large conference management system.

A simple enough task, except that with two members of the team on sick leave just now we simply didn’t have the capacity to do it within office hours.

“It’s pretty simple, I could code this up in an evening,” I heard myself say to Jason, my contact from CGS.

And then I heard another voice, this one inside my head, saying, “Did I just volunteer to code this up in my spare time?”

Jason was a star. He provided me with the component parts and a mocked-up sketch of how the site might look. He did all the hard work. I just needed to translate it into HTML and CSS.

My wife was out on Friday evening.; my three children were remarkably quiet and slept for the whole night, and so I proved myself right. It could be coded up in an evening.

All in all it took me about five hours from start to finish, including moving the style and content into TerminalFour Site Manager. A satisfying little project.

Visit the EuCOMC XX website.

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