Study at St Andrews progress report: 13, 14 and 17 February

Duncan Stephen
Monday 17 February 2014

It has been a busy few days in the digital communications team as we work hard to get the new Study at St Andrews website ready by the deadline of 3 March.

Content audit

I spent the second half of last week going through the content of the website, uploading media documents, fixing broken links and the like.

There are now no major gaps in content that we are aware of, although we still have to check against the existing website and the print prospectuses to make sure we haven’t missed anything out.

Feedback forum

We held a feedback forum on Friday, where stakeholders were invited to discuss the new website. A lot of issues emerged during this meeting, and it became apparent that we have even more work to do than we were previously aware of. But that was the purpose of holding the feedback forum, and it was hugely useful to learn about the problems.

Beta phase

The test phase has now entered ‘beta’, which for us basically means we are informing more people across the University and inviting them to comment on the new website. I have been busy today contacting content owners outwith Admissions, and seeking feedback from the wider community within the University.

There are now two weeks until we launch the new Study at St Andrews website to the public.

Course search

Lewis has been continuing his good work on the reskin of the course search facility. He is now creating HTML-based mockups, which we will then pass on to the software developers in IT Services.

Application forms

We are also working with the software developers on a new application form. This will be an interesting project, as it is our first opportunity to develop a complex application form that will hopefully reflect the look and feel of the new Study at St Andrews website. This would be a great improvement in terms of the user experience.

Content spreadsheet

Carley has produced a spreadsheet outlining each webpage on the new website, with notes on what still needs to be done on each page. The spreadsheet already contains details about 342 pages, and that is not including any of our scholarship pages. I will work to flesh this out so that the spreadsheet is fully complete.

Refined ‘our degrees’ content

Carley has also been working on tweaks to the section about different types of degrees available.