Mobile visitors

Stephen Evans
Friday 25 April 2014

The use of mobile devices to access the University of St Andrews website has increased drammaticaly over the past few years.  Mobile devices now account for 20% of visitor traffic.  That’s 1,200,000 visits in 2013 – a 400% increase in the number of visits compared with 2012.Image

Devices made by a company called Apple account for 80% of visits, followed by Android (19%).

The most popular pages to visit with a mobile device are:

  • Current students 10%
  • Course search 3.7%
  • SaintMail 3%
  • Study at St Andrews 2.4%
  • Current staff 0.8%

That’s 1 in 10 of our students using mobile devices to access the University website.

The number of visits via mobile devices is predicted to continue to grow, so we need to ensure that content can be easily accessed and viewed across all platforms.  This will require re-engineering the website to make this happen.  Exciting times ahead!


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