I’m leaving, but not quite yet
For those of you who don’t yet know, I’m sad to announce that I’m leaving the Digital communications team.
This was not an easy decision to make, and one dictated by force of circumstance – I’ve moved to live in the French Alps.
Up until Christmas I am working remotely, and still contactable by my University email address ([email protected]). My last day of work is the 23rd of December followed by annual leave over the Christmas period.
However, this is probably not the last you’ll hear from me. There is the possibility that I will return in the new year on a casual contract to pick up some slack until my successor has been recruited. This will mean that planned project work can still go ahead on time and any impact that my leaving has on the team will be minimised.
I’ve very much enjoyed my time with the Digital communications team and I’m really grateful for all the opportunities that I’ve been offered.
One of the highlights of working in digi comms has been seeing Agile project management in action. Any experience I’d had with project management in the past could probably be best described as “winging it”, so it’s been a great learning opportunity to see the Agile project management framework applied so meticulously, which is really the only way it ever should be applied.
Another aspect of the job that I’ve really enjoyed has been working on the long form pieces that the content team produce. Being granted the creative freedom to research and develop pieces of work like this from scratch has been great fun and learning some html in the process has been very valuable.
Of course, the thing I’ve enjoyed the most is working with such a wonderful team. I’ve been lucky to work in such a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and personal and professional development are so strongly encouraged.