2018 undergraduate digital prospectus

Jennifer Hamrick
Wednesday 7 June 2017

On 29 May 2017, the digital communications team sent out content for the 2018 undergraduate course webpages to all Schools for review. Schools have until 7 July 2017 to return any amendments before the pages go live.

We sent the content in Word documents (noting any changes from the 2017 course pages) and have asked Schools to use Track Changes to make any amendments or add comments and queries. We also made sure to update the pages as much as possible based on the 2018 print prospectus, with the aim being to reduce the amount of duplicating editing work required by Schools.

Previously, I wrote about our plan for creating the 2018 undergraduate course pages. We have completed steps 1-5 on this plan by:

  1. compiling a list of the programmes running in 2018
  2. creating acceptance criteria for each course page
  3. creating Word documents of all the 2018 pages
  4. meeting with Schools which still need to approve course content
  5. sending all Word documents to Schools.

For step 4, we have already met with the School of Medicine who are currently editing and providing additional content for the undergraduate Medicine course pages. We are also currently in the process of building draft pages for the Computer Science and Physics pages; once these are created, we will arrange meetings with the Schools of Computer Science and Physics and Astronomy to demonstrate these pages, make any amendments as required, and get sign-off for 2018.

One of the most notable differences between the 2017 and 2018 pages is the addition of new information based on the Higher Education Funding Council for England’s (HEFCE) guide to providing information to prospectus undergraduate students. We have marked where this new information appears on the Word documents for each course page. New information includes:

  • course start and end dates
  • language requirements
  • a link to more information about alternative entry routes
  • timetable information
  • how many additional subjects students can take
  • the University’s flexible modular degree system
  • independent learning
  • teachers, tutors and staff
  • academic support available
  • disabilities support available
  • grade scale system
  • feedback on assessments.

Now that the undergraduate course pages have been sent out to Schools for amendments, we will begin building the pages in the new version of our content management system, T4v8. As Schools return their edits, we will make the necessary changes to the course pages.

After the 7 July deadline, we will conduct a final check on all of the pages to fix any typos, broken links or other errors. We aim to launch all of the undergraduate 2018 course pages by the end of July, at which time we will archive the 2017 pages.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the team at [email protected].

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