Digital Communications team update – June 2022

John Chapman
Thursday 9 June 2022

Latest updates from the digital communications team for June 2022.

Digital Communications is now part of IT Services

On 1 June, the Digital Communications team moved from being based in Corporate Communications to IT Services. Our remit and responsibilities remain the same as before. 

Accessibility audit

We have been instructed by the Government’s Cabinet Office to audit the University website for accessibility issues and report back at the start of August.

Fortunately, the majority of the affected pages are managed by T4 and over half use the digital pattern library. This means some improvements can be made to the design in one place and it will be updated across the website.

We need to devise a plan for issues that can’t be resolved this way, or those that prove to be more time consuming to fix.

Summer graduation 2022

The Digital Communications team will be assisting our colleagues in Corporate Communications during the forthcoming graduation ceremonies. 

We have updated the watch live and honorand pages in advance of the ceremonies and during the three week period we will provide support with the live streams, web and social media content.

Digital newsletter signup

The digital newsletter is sent out at the start of each month. Subscribe to keep up to date on the activities of the digital communications team and to receive useful articles and resources relating to digital best practice.

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