600th anniversary and alumni websites

Gareth Saunders
Wednesday 22 June 2011


It’s been a quiet couple of weeks on the Web team blogging front. Which is the complete opposite of what it’s been like within the Web team: blinkered, and with heads down we’ve been racing to complete the 600th anniversary website before graduation (which started yesterday).

If you’ve put in a request by email and we’ve not replied as quickly as we might please accept our apologies. We’ve been working, at times and literally, around the clock to get the site done.

And not just one site, we’ve also had the Development/Alumni relations site to work on at the same time.


Once the sites are both live, and the dust has settled, I’ll blog about our experiences of working with an external design agency and what we learned about working together, as a team of five, on the same project.

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