Search results for: long form

Keyword data, dangerous navigation, and cards

Lost for words: Google stops providing keywords A couple of weeks ago, I covered the news that Google Search was no longer passing on keyword data to analytics tools. This blog post from the Government Digital Service…

Review of CMS promotional pens

In keeping with my 2008 review of browser umbrellas, it seems about time I reviewed something else. So how about enterprise web content management system (CMS) promotional pens? As these pens were freebies from three…

Job vacancies: Web Designer and Web Copywriter

The University of St Andrews is looking for an experienced web designer and an experienced web copywriter to join a small start-up team supporting the marketing of the University. The posts will sit within Corporate… wins design award; usability for teenagers

I have begun to share interesting articles, along with my comments, with some staff members internally. It has been suggested that it would be good to publish these on the web team blog as well. So here they are.…

IWMW 2012 in Edinburgh

About a month ago (this blog post has taken ages to write) I travelled down to Edinburgh with my colleague Duncan for the annual Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) which this year was being hosted by the…

Website help redesign

In many ways it has felt like that saying about the cobbler’s shoes: we spend so much time fixing other people’s websites that we don’t have the time to fix our own. But no longer! This week we finally redesigned the…

New Museums and Collections website

I say “new”, but the Museums and Collections website actually launched a good few months ago now. But I have been so busy over the summer that I haven’t got round to writing about it, until now. I recall that the very…

Using XAMPP web server

As we all (should) know testing out software on live environments isn’t particularly sensible. For the last five years in the office, and longer at home, I’ve been running XAMPP from Apache Friends as a test server on…