Search results for: long form

Coffee cup with the word begin

What does a Careers Centre website need?

The Digital Communications team started a redesign of the Careers Centre website in January 2021. The first phase of this project aimed to find out what users needed from the Careers Centre. To this end, we carried out…

What we achieved in 2020

Digital communications team successes in 2020

2020 was certainly a year that will go down in the history books. As the world began to operate remotely, digital services became more required than ever. I think my colleagues will agree that when the first lockdown…

angry emoji graphic

Bad UX design fails

The internet is a wonderful place. It is a modern library of all knowledge, the epicentre of human creativity, and the source of horrible user interface patterns that create an infinite amount of frustration.

Numbered list

What makes for a good set of requirements?

It’s no secret that I love a good set of requirements. Working from a solid set of requirements makes my life so much easier. They give clarity over what is needed, formally setting the scope of the work, and provide a…

Child choosing a drink

Six steps to overcome online indecision

How do we make it easier for users of the University website to find the right link, the right information they need? The current landing pages for current staff and current students provide a plethora of choices –…

How the University manages existing content

I recently read Paul Boag’s blog post on ‘Content Management: How to effectively overcome legacy content’. In this article, Paul focuses on the negative consequences of poor content management and how to find solutions…