Search by tag: change

Involving users in intranet design

User involvement for user adoption: an intranet strategy As we begin to investigate how an intranet here might work, this is a timely article from usability experts Nielsen Norman Group. Even when a new, usable design…

Why we are now bridge builders

From intranet to net-work: the rise of the digital bridge builder Partly following on from developments at the University, and partly on discussions at IWMW, I have been thinking a lot recently about the siloed nature…

The digital vision

This is the fourth of a series of reflections on this year’s Institutional Web Management Workshop. Read an introduction and the other posts. The final session asked: “what is our vision for the institutional web and…

Improving user experience and fostering change

This is the second of a series of reflections on this year’s Institutional Web Management Workshop. Read an introduction and the other posts. Following Ross Ferguson’s inspiring talk, further food for thought was…