Search by category: projects

Updates about projects or other pieces of work we are working on.

Launching the new site structure

On Thursday 6 July, the digital communications team will be changing the structure of the University’s website. All academic information that currently resides under Study at St Andrews will be moved from there into…

Streamlining the migration of courses

We have just completed the migration of over 300 undergraduate and postgraduate courses from TerminalFour (T4) version 7 to version 8. A blog post describes how we automated parts of this migration, but we were still…

Upper College Hall

New ‘Subjects’ launch

The digital communications team has been working on migrating content from the current version of our content management system, T4v7, to the latest version, T4v8. (Find out more about our migration to T4v8 project.)

An update on the external website project

Some of you may have noticed that it’s been quite a while since the digital communications team have written an update on our vision for the external facing website. (I think the last update was our Digital Prospectus…

Planning the 2018 course webpages

The plan for 2018-entry undergraduate course pages

With the 2017-entry undergraduate course webpages only just completed, the thought of creating 2018-entry pages may make you cringe, bare your teeth, or just run away in horror. But don’t worry! The content team has…

Iterative improvements to the digital prospectus

Shortly before the digital prospectus went live, the content team in digital communications sat down and came up with a list of development, design and content improvements we would like to make to the pages in the…

Four Post-it note pads with Must, Should, Could and Won't written on them.

MoSCoW planning poker

Backlog refinement One agile practice that we’ve adopted from Scrum is that of product backlog refinement. In short, it involves representatives from both the project level team (project manager, business visionary,…

Benchmarking the Study webpages

Over the next few weeks the new Subject and undergraduate course pages will go live and Course Search will be taken down. With such a drastic change about to occur on the University’s website it’s crucial that we…

The words 'Sneak peek: undergraduate course pages' with a hand pointing towards different subjects

A sneak peek at the undergraduate course pages

The digital communications team has been hard at work creating, developing and designing the academic subject pages (phase 3 of our digital prospectus business case) and the undergraduate course pages. The subject page…