Search by category: resources

Reviews, lists, and responses to articles or resources we think are interesting or useful.

Trello at St Andrews

At the meeting of the Scottish Web Folk, on Thursday 31 May held at the University of Edinburgh, I gave the above presentation about Trello from Fog Creek Software. Trello is, according to its own help text, a…

Moving our team task board online to Trello

For the last few years the Web team have been using, and adapting, a form of Agile/Kanban board to manage what tasks need to be done and by whom. It has served us very well, but this week we moved it online to Trello,…

Our journey into Agile, pt.2

Encountering Agile Back in April 2008 I attended the Scotland on Rails 2008 conference in Edinburgh; I literally have the t-shirt to prove it.  It was an absolutely fascinating (read: über-geeky) conference let down…

Our journey into Agile, pt.1

In November of last year (2009 if you don’t have a calendar to hand) we started to seriously look into using Agile methodologies to better manage and run our Web projects. The crunch came when we realised that in many…