Search by category: resources

Reviews, lists, and responses to articles or resources we think are interesting or useful.

Mobile users, tablet usability and form usability

What is a mobile web user anyway? Top 5 assumptions to avoid We know mobile traffic is increasing, but it is important to understand what that really means and what we should do about it. Many mobile websites make the…

Taking inspiration from

I know there are more websites out there than, but I somehow feel the need to keep returning to it. It makes the news quite often for positive reasons, which is incredible for a government digital project. Fail…

Readability on the web

How users read have published their Service Design Manual, an amazingly comprehensive resource about digital service delivery. This particular section outlines the background to the Government Digital Service’s…

Microcopy and calls to action

There is a theme to this week’s selection – microcopy. Microcopy is the really short items of content – navigation labels, the wording of submit buttons, and so on. This can have a big effect on the success of a…

Carousels: advantages and disadvantages

This week, a series of articles about the advantages and disadvantages of carousels. We begin with a couple of articles from usability expert Jakob Nielsen. Auto-forwarding carousels and accordions annoy users and…

Keeping a lid on ever-growing web content

Anyone can add. It takes a professional to take away It is tempting to think that adding content to a website is harmless. After all, the marginal cost of adding another webpage is almost zero. Except that the more…

Learning lessons from public bodies’ websites

There is a bit of a theme to this week’s articles – how public bodies’ websites are performing. Here we see one organisation doing a fantastic job, and one organisation doing a terrible job. Then there is a report on…