Search by tag: agile project management

Four Post-it note pads with Must, Should, Could and Won't written on them.

MoSCoW planning poker

Backlog refinement One agile practice that we’ve adopted from Scrum is that of product backlog refinement. In short, it involves representatives from both the project level team (project manager, business visionary,…

An agile approach to social media

The world of social media moves at an incredibly fast pace, where often change is the only certainty. This can be challenging in terms of strategy because an element of reactivity is required to accommodate this rapid…

DSDM Agile project management cheat sheet

Just over a year ago I was sitting in a classroom learning about and sitting two exams on DSDM Atern Agile project management. Something that I wished had been available at the time was some kind of cheat sheet that…