Search by category: development and code

Posts about development activities, code articles, etc.

Unicode is complicated

Why there are four different ways to show the pound sterling symbol in Unicode. With added explosions. Confusion surrounding the pound goes beyond the Scottish independence referendum. This article from Us vs Th3m…

New framework for responsive HTML emails

Ink is a fairly new framework from Zurb, who brought us the Foundation CSS framework, for creating responsive HTML emails. It’s been a while since I’ve been asked to help put together an HTML email but as news of this…

jQuery cycle plugin

Where would we be without jQuery, the JavaScript library that speeds up development no end? I’ve recently been using the Bootstrap 2.3.2 CSS framework within our content management system, TerminalFour Site Manager and…

Which browsers do you support?

I’m currently working on a document of guidelines for our web team and web developers. Something that I’ve been asked to include is to indicate which browsers we support. Digging around, for example, Yahoo! have their…

Printing out webpages

Did you know that all University webpages print out in a print-friendly format automatically? From time to time we are asked if we can add ‘print-friendly’ pages to the website. But this functionality has always been…