Search by category: usability

Online search usability testing findings

Over the summer, usability testing was conducted on the University’s search tool. The main purpose of the test was to set a benchmark and find out how users interacted with the current search system, which will shortly…

Study at St Andrews: usability results

As part of the external website project, we are reconfiguring the current Study at St Andrews section to improve the prospective student’s experience. Digicomms recently conducted testing specifically to determine the…

Top task performance indicators

This is a follow-up to a previous post I wrote on “Identifying your website’s Top Tasks” following a seminar I attended hosted by User Experience expert, author, and speaker Gerry McGovern. This post will illustrate…

Usability testing around the University

The digital communications team has been conducting usability testing since 2015. Usability testing allows us to evaluate the design of a webpage, or more specifically, a particular process such as signing up for a…

Identifying your website’s Top Tasks

At the beginning of the month I attended a seminar hosted by User Experience expert, author, and speaker Gerry McGovern on measuring the customer experience with Top Task management for websites.

Results from mobile usability testing

Last week I conducted some guerrilla usability testing on a mobile device in the University’s Library. The main purpose of the test was to find out whether the new digital prospectus pages can be used on mobile…

Guerilla testing on mobile devices

A couple of weeks ago The University of Dundee’s external relations team released data from some guerrilla usability testing they had conducted during their freshers’ week. It was an incredible data sample, and fresh…