Search by tag: training

Person sits in front of laptop computer

My time working on the DPL

Hello, I’m the admin for the mediation service, but for the last few months I’ve been afforded the opportunity to do some work on the Digital Pattern Library.

Scottish Web Folk

The Digital Communications team popped along to the Scottish Web Folk conference and enjoyed a day discussing the latest trends and challenges in web development and digital strategy with web professionals from across…

Icon of person wearing headset

Remote staff training – lessons from Covid-19

When lockdown hit the UK in March 2020, I had to quickly transform the Digital Visa staff training programme to work remotely. Rather than cancel all sessions, I wanted to make sure we continued to offer training for…

Digital visa social media training courses

Revised T4v8 training

As more staff members are gaining access to T4v8, I have noticed that undertaking training in T4v8 does not necessarily always equate to understanding or comprehending the training. Therefore, I have introduced a new…

Digital visa social media training courses

New social media training courses

The digital communications team are launching two new social media training courses as part of a refresh to the digital visa. ‘An introduction to social media for beginners’ and ‘Developing a social media strategy’…

IWMW 2018 over logo

IWMW 2018: Let’s improve our training

Recently, I attended the IWMW(Institutional Web Management Workshop) 2018, a UK-wide conference for anyone working in digital in higher education. Roughly 150 delegates attended from all over the UK and Ireland. Every…

Google Data Studio training

In 2017, Google Analytics training was created as core course on the digital visa. The training introduced participants to key Google Analytics terminology and walked through creating a dashboard in Google Analytics.…