Search by tag: user experience

Navigation grid

The information scent of links

When looking at links on a web page, how do you decide which one will take you closer to your goal? You’ll choose the one with the highest information scent – the link with relevant terms and context that you think…

angry emoji graphic

Bad UX design fails

The internet is a wonderful place. It is a modern library of all knowledge, the epicentre of human creativity, and the source of horrible user interface patterns that create an infinite amount of frustration.

web devlopment

Site performance and its impact on user experience

“Developers have a greater impact on user experience than designers do”, Paul Boag claims in his Why performance is the best way to improve the user experience article, and that “non-visual elements on a webpage can…

New University library homepage

On Monday 13 January 2019, the digital communications team launched an improved University library homepage. This update was made in light of the feedback gathered by library staff in focus groups and from the design…

Our research survey says…

In order to inform the design of the new University of St Andrews research section, the digital communications team wanted to establish what the top tasks were for users of the current research website. We did this by…

Design sprints

To help improve the development of the University website, we have begun implementing the methodologies of ‘design sprints’ into our process. Our friends over at the University of Dundee were so kind to include some…

Take our survey!

We’ve created a survey to find out why people use the current research webpages and what they like and dislike about that experience. Anyone who enters could win a £30 Amazon voucher for taking part! The survey will…

Study at St Andrews: usability results

As part of the external website project, we are reconfiguring the current Study at St Andrews section to improve the prospective student’s experience. Digicomms recently conducted testing specifically to determine the…

Top task performance indicators

This is a follow-up to a previous post I wrote on “Identifying your website’s Top Tasks” following a seminar I attended hosted by User Experience expert, author, and speaker Gerry McGovern. This post will illustrate…