Search by category: resources

Reviews, lists, and responses to articles or resources we think are interesting or useful.

Text scanning patterns

When a user engages with content on a web page, they are unlikely to spend time reading every word of text. They are more likely to scan the content for headings, keywords, images or videos which are of interest to…

The meeting formerly known as ‘DAB’

The Digital Advisory Board (DAB) has been replaced with the Digital Forum. The Digital Forum will take place on the last Wednesday afternoon of each month. All staff are welcome to attend. The format of the Digital…

IT security event

We were pleased to attend the IT Services security event on Thursday 8 November 2018, which hosted a number of interesting speakers from different IT security specialisms. The event provided a deeper awareness of IT…

Why we moved from Siteimprove to Sitemorse

Last year I wrote a blog post about how we were using Siteimprove to help find and fix broken links and spelling mistakes on our website. But a few months ago we decided to move to another company to provide this…

T4 meet-up in Edinburgh

TerminalFour (T4), the company responsible for providing our content management system (also called T4), held a meet-up in Edinburgh on Thursday 24 November 2016. In previous years T4 held a two-day T44U conference in…

Runners, repeaters and strangers on the internet

Over the last few years, the digital communications team has changed a lot – we are now committed to an Agile project management methodology, we retrospect regularly and plan comprehensively. Fundamentally, our thought…

The word URL in a clamp

New URL shortening service

Something we’ve talked about for years is creating our own URL shortening service. A couple of months ago Duncan and I sat down one Friday afternoon and created a very basic one using only household objects. What URL…