Search by tag: usability

Mouse pointer on green background

Clicks don’t really matter

Over the last few months I’ve received several requests to track the number of clicks it takes a user to complete a task to determine the “improved” usability of a website.

Title "Plain English" over Scrabble block letters

Plain English for the web

When writing for the web, use plain English to make your content easy to read by all users. Plain English will also help your page rank higher in search engine results.

The School of Chemistry homepage showing a man holding chemical equipment

New School websites usability findings

Two weeks ago I conducted usability testing on the design for the new School websites on behalf of the Business Transformation Board who are running the Academic School Websites project. This project seeks to update…

A computer logo over jumbled text with a slash through it

Why to avoid marketese on the web

Marketese is a writing style which favours promotional, self-congratulatory and boastful language over technical and objective wording. At the University of St Andrews, we aim to avoid using marketese on the web at all…

Online search usability testing findings

Over the summer, usability testing was conducted on the University’s search tool. The main purpose of the test was to set a benchmark and find out how users interacted with the current search system, which will shortly…

Take our survey!

We’ve created a survey to find out why people use the current research webpages and what they like and dislike about that experience. Anyone who enters could win a £30 Amazon voucher for taking part! The survey will…

Study at St Andrews: usability results

As part of the external website project, we are reconfiguring the current Study at St Andrews section to improve the prospective student’s experience. Digicomms recently conducted testing specifically to determine the…

Usability testing around the University

The digital communications team has been conducting usability testing since 2015. Usability testing allows us to evaluate the design of a webpage, or more specifically, a particular process such as signing up for a…

Common content mistakes and how to fix them

Part of the work done by members of digicomms is ensure all content on the University’s website meets digital standards. In particular, any text on the website or in print materials must meet the University’s house…